Wednesday, August 20

Notebook Experiment: Joining Fabric Strips

I'm an avid reader of MomAdvice, and especially love her Notebooks, and the resulting Notebook Experiments.

She opened up the Notebook Experiments to anyone who wanted to join in, and I couldn't resist! Here's the first one that I tried... Amy from Mom Advice listed it in her 6.26.08 Notebook, and the original post is from Laughing Purple Goldfish Designs.

I told you that I am in the middle of making a tshirt rug, which entails cutting up dozens of tshirts into long strips, sewing them together, winding them into balls and then crocheting away. I've tried a couple different techniques of cutting them, but many techniques left little flaps on the strips when I turned corners, and then those flaps stuck up out of my rug. Not exactly what I was going for! I came across this technique of cutting diagonals and I'm sold! I'm using a rotary cutter so it goes even faster...

Here's some pictures of my "yarn" before and after it gets rolled into balls. I'm also including a picture of the flaps on the "yarn" that are now a thing of the past... and for kicks, a picture of the rug in all it's tininess. =)