Eleventy-one things about me
So I never got around to doing my 100 things about me post... so here's eleventy-one things about me!
- I like chocolate.
- I'talk to my mother about once a day - that's a new development... I didn't call too often in my college years.
- I like white gold better than yellow gold.
- Bread pudding is one of my favorite desserts.
- I don't like following patterns when crocheting, and only follow recipes when necessary.
- I am the middle of three children.
- My older brother is studying to become a priest.
- I have an undergrad degree in Theology and Philosophy.
- I have a Masters degree in Theology, with a specialization in Catechetics.
- I'm retired, at the age of 28.
- I go to the library at least once a week.
- When I go to the library, I check out six things. No more, no less. That's a hold over from childhood.
- I was homeschooled on-and-off, mostly on, for my pre-college years.
- I skipped first grade.
- I took a year off after highschool to catch up in age with my peers before entering college.
- I spent it working in a German convent / inn.
- I also lived in Austria for a semester.
- I didn't speak any German before living in Germany, but was fluent at the end of my six months. I learned most of it from a Polish girl, though, so my accent was really funky.
- I have forgotten almost all of it.
- I am a lazy slug and hate exercise.
- I love food - reading about food, making food, eating food, talking about food...
- I own way too many books, but have given away hundreds...
- I would rather sing harmony than melody.
- I love to sing, even though I'm not nearly as good as my sister-in-law.
- I had a natural birth with Peanut and toy with the idea of becoming a Bradley instructor.
- I was 25 before I had my ears pierced.
- I pierced them myself when I was given earrings to wear as a member of a bridal party - we got them at the rehearsal dinner, I pierced my ears that night, and wore the earrings proudly the next day!
- I met my husband online.
- I am a weird mix between an organizing junkie and a slob.
- I'm definitely a procrastinator.
- I love interior decorating.
- The walls of most of my house are a bright, sunny yellow - which my white-wall parents thought was drastic, but everyone just loves.
- I've spent more than a month of my life in Italy, between my five trips there.
- Most of that month was spent in Rome.
- I have been to: United States, Canada, Italy, Germany, Austria, France, the Netherlands, and the Vatican City. Oh - and Hungary.
- As of today, I have been to 27 states.
- If I had been a boy, my name would have been Andrew David. (My grandmother's maiden name was Andrews, and my grandfather's name was David.)
- I love to spell.
- I've always wanted to own a used bookstore with a pet monkey as a mascot.
- I really like Sudoku.
- I get bored with jobs easily, unless there's new challenges all the time.
- Ever since being pregnant, I can't watch scary movies at ALL. I used to only be able to watch them a little.
- I love the TV show House, but every time they intubate someone or go at them with a long needle, I can't watch.
- I have a horror about being poked in the eye - probably because I'm practically blind and wear super-intense glasses. (This is an exaggeration... don't go feeling sorry for me because I have a seeing-eye dog or anything... but my eyes are a -7.5 if that means anything to you.)
- I exaggerate everything. It's genetic. My mother's family tells whoppers proudly.
- I like board games, especially if they have words involved.
- I had a boy break up with me because I cheated at Scrabble once (that's not the reason he gave, but it had a lot to do with it.)
- After being seriously addicted to caffeine for years and years, I have been caffeine free since November, 2005.
- That's ONLY because of pregnancy and breastfeeding - after having our kids, I will definitely go back to drinking it!
- We would like to have four or five kids... but we'll see what happens!
- I would like to write a book someday, and am always coming up with new ideas.
- Although I read 90% fiction, I'd probably write a nonfiction book.
- I'm addicted to hagiography.
- I didn't drink until I was 21 (except for the six months I was in Germany) but really don't drink very much at all now.
- I was a virgin on my wedding night. (So was my husband.)
- I have a tendency to crash the front drivers side of my car. It's happened at least 3 times.
- I drive a Camry right now... we're looking for a minivan!! I never thought I'd be excited about that.
- During my first soccer game as a kiddo, I scored a goal for the other team.
- I played softball in a girl's league for years. My mom knew it was the league for me at the first game when a girl ran to first base while fixing her earrings. It was really low-key.
- At the house where I grew up, I named the clump of pine trees outside my window Whispering Pines... and we cleaned out the inside to be a fort for me. It was really amazing.
- I'm a little allergic to cats (as is most of my family) and my parents never wanted a dog, so I had lots of goldfish when I was growing up. We had a goldfish graveyard.
- When I was growing up, I read all the Nancy Drews and Hardy Boys.
- My hair is chocolate brown, and usually about shoulder length. Except for the time when I had "red" highlights put in and they turned out pink. That was sad.
- I use cloth diapers on my Peanut and wear her in a sling. That makes me practically a modern hippie. I'm proud of it.
- I was vegetarian for three years. (Does it still count if they were the first three years of my life?)
- I took eleven years of piano lessons and played the clarinet for eight years and the guitar for six.
- I broke my left wrist while playing basketball with three guys but was trying to be tough, so I kept playing... I even sank the winning shot with a broken wrist. :)
- I'm really bad at basketball unless I have a broken wrist, but I do like playing.
- I was reading Little House on the Prairie at the age of 3. No kidding.
- I've only ever seen Schindler's List in German.
- I absolutely loathe and detest cotton balls. They have this squeaky-feeling to them that makes me get all nauseous and goosebumpy. They have ended up in any number of pranks pulled on me, of course.
- I never wear watches.
- Once milk has even started to turn, it's gross, and since I'm the only milk-drinker in the house (Peanut doesn't count), I have to buy it in small containers.
- My favorite number is 17. I think of it as a skinny number, but can't really explain why.
- My dad is a chiropractor, and that's what I always thought I'd be when I grew up.
- I love sheep and lambs.
- I like to sew, but have more projects lined up than I'll get to for a long time.
- I'd take a bath over a shower any day.
- I would love to go to Australia someday.
- My favorite color growing up was yellow, for the last ten years was blue, but I think it's becoming pink. I don't know how I feel about that.
- I don't have that many clothes - I get rid of them as soon as I realize that I'm not wearing them.
- I check my email at least twenty times a day.
- I crocheted a pink and purple monkey for Peanut when I was pregnant (no pattern, of course!) - so it's a good thing she turned out to be a girl.
- I'm still friend with one girl from my childhood - she's fabulous and lives in DC, so I don't get to see her enough.
- I actually had two beds in my room growing up so she could come over and spend the night and sleep in a real bed.
- We have a projector and screen instead of a tv, and we only have cable so that we can watch football games in the fall.
- I use ellipses (...) waaay too often, and use all small case frequently - even though it annoys me, I still do it.
- I use Google Reader to read blogs - which means I don't comment on other people's blogs as much as I should.
- I have kid songs in my head all the time now. Like Clementine (that's a morbid song, by the way!)
- My favorite tv show to fold laundry in front of is Rachael Ray. I'd like to be her when I grow up.
- I grew up in Wisconsin, and yes, I love cheese.
- Since Mister and I met online, we started with two weeks of emails, then two weeks of emails and phone calls, and then we met. At our first date, I knew I'd probably marry him, but I wasn't in love with him yet.
- I am a sucker for a good massage.
- My least favorite household chore is washing windows. It's not really my least favorite, but it's the one that gets done the least.
- My favorite vegetable is the sweet potato.
- I love blueberries.
- We changed Peanut's name just a couple of days before she was born because no one could pronounce or spell the name we'd chosen.
- I'll eat anything - I think the funkiest thing I ever ate was calf brains. That was in Hungary.
- My two favorite classes in college (both Senior electives) were Introduction to Sign Language and Game Theory.
- I had an almost perfect score on the SAT, but my parents wouldn't let me take it again to get a 1600 because that was simply pride.
- When I was little and in grade school, I would get so homesick during the day that at recess, I would talk to a tree I nicknamed "Mom."
- That is one of the main reasons I will probably homeschool Peanut.
- I don't like to buy more than one book, cd, dvd, etc., at a time, because I will inevitably pick a favorite and then never really get into the other ones.
- My mom always calls babies "punkin-noodle" and while I swore I'd never ever say that, I find myself saying it to babies.
- I barely remember life before computers - I think I was eight when we got our first one.
- Someday I'd like to invent a machine to read your thoughts and take all of those "I should blog this" moments and actually transpose and post them.
- I have deleted ellipses from the ends of 50% of these items so far.
- I have a tendency to forget the details of stories, so I can re-read books and re-watch movies and get as into it as the first time.
- I love getting mail, and will sign up for free samples just to get something in the mail.
- I have a golden birthmark on my belly, and since it has a freckle right in the middle of it, Peanut tries to latch onto it sometimes. It always makes me laugh.
- I like my feet. I think they're pretty. In fact, I think I'll go paint my toes.