Friday, May 11


Isn't it still early May? It's been in the mid-80s all week. I didn't mind too much, since Peanut and I just holed up in our house with the curtains drawn and the air conditioning on. But today I had to plant some of our gardens. And scrub the front door and scrape all the paint / caulk off the trim, as Mister's planning on painting it tomorrow. It should go from really dirty taupe to cranberry. Whoa. Big difference. And if the trim goes from really dirty taupe to a nice cream, then it'll be even better. Add a new mailbox to that, and *presto-change-o* you have an instant face-lift.

We'll see if it all gets done tomorrow! I may even post a picture. But not a before. That's too depressing. :o)

The gardens look nice, though. Last year I balked at planting petunias, since everyone in our town plants them. They do very well in this climate, and turn into lush cascades of flowers. But I wanted to be original. I had the coolest looking gardens, but Mister asked why we didn't do the "overflowing flowers" like everyone else has. Turns out he just thinks those are great. So this year, we have tons of petunias planted. Gotta make him happy! But I added even more lavendar to my gardens. I love lavendar. And I planted an herb garden in a funky pot on my deck. I'm excited - walk out the dining room and grab some sun-warmed herbs for summer cookin? ::swoon::

Okay. Peanut's stirring and I should go rinse down the front door one more time. Talk to you later!